DCFR database: Work in progress

Academic works

Samuelsson JoelDCFR som svensk rättskälla?2016De lege. Juridiska Fakulteten i Uppsala. Årsbok 2015. Europarätten – 20 År i Sverige iUSTUS Förlag Red.Mattias Dahlberg & Karin Åhman SwedishSummary provided by Egil Nordqvist: Joel Samuelsson in the article treats the issue of the use of DCFR as legal source in the Swedish Supreme Court (HD). He raises the general problems of introduction of European civil law materia - the formal lack of authority of the source in national legislation, differences in organisation and materiality of legal content, the difficulty of verification of the content in a non-closed legal system; and the general advantages - development of reasonable common solutions, or at least a parallel voice: the possibility for the national courts to introduce a comparative angle, provided by the DCFR.
KaloutaGalateia  TinaThe Draft Common Frame of Reference in the Courts. The Remaking of Comparative Law.2015Courts and Comparative Law. Edited by Mads Andenas and Duncan Fairgrieve. Oxford University Press 2015, 696-718EnglishHow the DCFR has been applied by national Supreme Courts as well as by the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
UribeR MombergThe Effects of A Change of Circumstances in the DCFR. A Critical Assessment2012contained in: The Draft Common Frame of Reference: national and comparative perspectives, p.113-132, Vincent Sagaert, Matthias E. Storme and Evelyne Terryn (eds), Intersentia Publishing Ltd, Cambridge 2012English
WilhemssonThomasStandard Form Conditions2011[contained in] Towards a European Civil Code, edited by Arthur Hartkamp, Martijn Hesselink, Ewoud Hondius, Chantal Mak, Edgar du Perron, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Fourth Revised and Expanded EditionEnglish
PfeifferThomasUnfaire Vertragsbestimmungen2011ERPL 2011, 835-853English
Contract Formation and Mistake in European Contract Law: A Genetic Comparison of Transnational Model Rules2011O.J.L.S 2011, 625-662 English
AlpaGuidoTowards a European Contract Law2011contained in Towards a European Contract Law, Reiner Schulze and Jules Stuyck ( eds), Sellier European Law Publishers, Munich, p.23-33English
HellwegePhillipAllgemeines Vertragsrecht und "Rechtsgeschäft"-lehre im Draft Common Frame of Reference2011ACP 2011, 665-702 German
GomezFernando2010contained in: European private law after the Common Frame of Reference, edited by Micklitz and Cafaggi, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, Northampton, MA, USA; InDret 1/2009,1-23English
Vertragschluss und Irrtum im europäischen Vertragsrecht, Textstufen transnationaler Modellregelungen2010AcP 2010, 196-250German
WhittakerSimonThe Elaboration of the Common Frame of Reference: Translating "the Tool-box"2009RDC 2009, 795English
2009English Draft; edited by Luisa Antoniolli and Francesca Fiorentini;assessment carried out as part of the “Joint Network of European Private Law Project (CoPECL), financed by the EU Commission, Contract No. 513351.
WhittakerSimon2008Simon Whittaker; St. John's College, University of Oxford, 2008Englishcommissioned by the Ministry of Justice
PfeifferThomasNon-negotiated Termss2008contained in Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law, Sellier European Law Publishers, 2008, p.177-185English
TorgansKalvis2008Juridica International 2008, 156-165English
OehlerKarl Heinz2008Juridica International 2008, 69-77English
2008Juridica International 2008, 58-68English