DCFR database: Work in progress

Academic works

SzostekDariuszBlockchain and the Law2019Chapter IV: Durable media with blockchain technology; p. 97-109; Nomos Verlag Baden-Baden 2019English
VogenauerStefanCommon Frame of Reference and UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts.Coexistence, Competition, or Overkill of Soft Law?2011ERCL 2010, 143-183English
Pinto OliveiraNuno ManuelPrincípios de Direito dos Contratos2011Coimbra 2011Portuguese
RutgersJacobien W
Cases, Materials and Text on Contract Law, Second Edition2011Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, OregonEnglish
PasaBarbaraThe DCFR, the ACQP and the Reactions of Italian Legal Scholars2010ERPL 2010, 227English
AndersonRoss GilbertSubscription and settlement by fax and email2010(2010) 13 SLT, 67-71English
SchmidtJan PeterDer "juridical act" im DCFR : Ein nützlicher Grundbegriff des europäischen Privatrechts?2010ZEuP 2010, 304-320German
HondiusEwoud H.2008Juridica International 2008, 18-26English