DCFR database: Work in progress

Academic works

KimHyoung SeokDie deliktische Gehilfenhaftung im europäischen Vergleich2013ZEuP 2013, 263-282GermanThe vicarious liabilty also found in the DCFR compared to the exculpatory liability
ClaeysIgnaceThe Draft Tort Rules of the DCFR: A Belgian Law Perspective2012contained in: The Draft Common Frame of Reference: national and comparative perspectives, p.231-239, Vincent Sagaert, Matthias E. Storme and Evelyne Terryn (eds), Intersentia Publishing Ltd, Cambridge 2012English
Den HollanderWouterTort Law and the Violation of Statutory Provisions2012contained in: The Draft Common Frame of Reference: national and comparative perspectives, p.241-260, Vincent Sagaert, Matthias E. Storme and Evelyne Terryn (eds), Intersentia Publishing Ltd, Cambridge 2012English
WagnerGerhardVicarious Liability2011[contained in] Towards a European Civil Code, edited by Arthur Hartkamp, Martijn Hesselink, Ewoud Hondius, Chantal Mak, Edgar du Perron, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Fourth Revised and Expanded EditionEnglish
InfantinoMarta2010CJICL 2010 ForthcomingEnglish
SchmidtJan PeterDer "juridical act" im DCFR : Ein nützlicher Grundbegriff des europäischen Privatrechts?2010ZEuP 2010, 304-320German
BrüggemeierGert[Reviewing] Study Group on a European Civil Code: Principles of European Law: Non-Contractual Liability Arising out of Damage caused to another ( PEL Liab. Dam.), prepared by Christian von Bar, Sellier/Bruylant/Stämpfli, München/Brüssel/Bern 2009, LIV,1384 S. 2010AcP 2010, 308-317German
LaheJannoRegulation of strict liability in the CFR and the Estonia Law of Obligations Act2010Juridica International 2010, 167-175English
CauffmanCarolineThe DCFR and the Attempts to Increase the Private Enforcement of Competititon Law: Convergences and Divergences2010 ERPL 2010, 1079-1119English
KellnerMarkus'Tort Law of the European Community': A Plea for an Overarching Pan-European Framework2009ERPL 2009, 133English
KoziolHelmutAußervertragliche Schuldverhältnisse im CFR2009Der Gemeinsame Referenzrahmen, Entstehung, Inhalte, Anwendung, Schriften zum Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht, eds. Martin Schmidt-Kessel, Sellier, European Law Publishers, Munich, p. 93-112German
WerroFranzCan 27 (+) 'Wrongs' Make a Right? The European Tort Law Project: Some sceptical Reflections2009(2009) 20 KLJ 257-279English